December 2, 2018
Ottawa, Ontario
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement to mark the start of Hanukkah:
“Tonight, Jewish communities in Canada and around the world will welcome the beginning of Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights.
“For eight nights, families and friends will gather to pray, sing, and light the candles of the chanukiah, one by one. Each candle shines as a symbol of perseverance and reminds us of the power of faith and determination.
“Hanukkah is a time to reflect on the profound resilience of the Jewish people and their triumph over exile, persecution, and unspeakable suffering.
“The name ‘Hanukkah’ comes from the Hebrew word for ‘dedication.’ Generation after generation of Jewish Canadians have dedicated themselves to serving their communities and their country, and standing up for the values that unite us. They remind us that we are all custodians of Canada’s character, and that we cannot waver in defending the dignity and rights of others.
“On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I wish all those celebrating a happy and blessed Hanukkah.
“Chag Hanukkah Sameach.”