As quiet returns to the south of Israel, citizens are beginning to look ahead to Yom HaZikaron and Yom Haatzmaut, Israel’s national Memorial Day and Independence, days of deep meaning and celebration that begin on Tuesday evening.
Over the next few days, the people of Israel will transition from sorrow to celebration as they mourn Israel’s fallen on Yom Hazikaron - Israel’s Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and terror victims - and celebrate Israel’s 71st Independence Day on Yom Ha’atzmaut.
Jewish Federations of Canada - UIA, along with Jewish organizations and communities across the world, joins Israel in observing these two important holidays.
An official day of mourning in Israel since 1963, Yom HaZikaron reflects on the mortal sacrifices of almost 24,000 Israelis who lost their lives in defense of the Jewish homeland or as victims of terrorist attacks in Israel and abroad.
Beginning at sunset on May 7th, we will mourn the human toll that has been paid to build and secure the state of Israel. Their fallen are our fallen.
The right to live peacefully within the confines of your homeland should be a basic human right. In most nations it is, but not in Israel. Every year, the list of fallen soldiers and victims of terror grows longer. We also grieve for the many innocent victims of terrorist acts committed outside of Israel. A single life lost to antisemitism, prejudice or hatred of any kind is one too many.
At sunset on May 8th, Israel turns 71 – an improbable event to our Jewish ancestors who dreamed of a Jewish homeland. Despite constant political and military pressures not experienced by any other nation, despite being the only country whose right to exist is continuously challenged, Israel is stronger today than ever before.
No longer a start-up nation, Israel is a world leader in multiple industries, notably in science and technology. Demographically, as a country that welcomes Jews of all ages from every corner of the world with open arms, it is rich in cultural diversity.
As we pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for the state of Israel, we applaud the extraordinary accomplishments of the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland.
May we go from Strength to Strength. !עם ישראל חי
Leslie Gales, Chair
Nikki Holland, President & CEO