Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives

Located in Montreal, the Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives collects and preserves documentation on all aspects of the Jewish presence in Quebec and Canada, including the historical records of most of the national Jewish organizations that have shaped the present community. Catalogue descriptions for the majority of these holdings can be consulted online, through the database of the Canadian Jewish Heritage Network at


The Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives was established in 1934 under the aegis of Canadian Jewish Congress, and the records of the former CJC are an important presence among the hundreds of large and small collections received over the years from individuals and groups.  Notable aspects of the Canadian Jewish community reflected in the Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives collections include immigration, integration into Canadian society, community organization, Zionism, human rights issues, discrimination, oppressed Jewry in other countries, education, literature, and genealogy. Since January 1, 1992, the Archives has benefited from the status of "Service agréé d'archives privées," a program of the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.


Learn more about the Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives here


Contact the Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives


Jewish Federations of Canada – UIA oversees and finances the activities and programs of the Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives. The Archives is supported by the Alex Dworkin Foundation for Jewish Archives and the Bibliotheque et archives nationales du Québec.